Dustin Alan Turner
Dustin “Dusty” Turner, has now been in the Virginia correctional system for nearly 30 years for two crimes he did not commit
In 1996, Dustin Turner, a 21-year old Navy SEAL, was wrongfully convicted in connection with the tragic murder of Jennifer Evans. Despite overwhelming evidence that his Navy SEAL Swim-Buddy who later confessed to the crime was the true perpetrator, Turner was sentenced to 82 years without the possibility of parole. The actual killer who was also convicted of attempted rape, received a lesser sentence of 72 years.
The details of this case are shocking.
Join the thousands who have signed the petition thus far!

Dusty’s Story
From Dusty’s journey through the grueling Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training (BUD/s), to the fateful night of the murder that led to his incarceration, learn how Dusty has coped and lives each day by taking control of the one thing he owns: His attitude. Read Dusty’s complete story.
Jury foreman, Alan Reed said in a letter to then Governor, Mark Warner: “As Jury foreman in the trial of Dustin Turner [..], I do feel that the majority of the jury felt that Dusty was innocent of participating in any way with the murder”.
Dusty Today
Now nearly 30 years into his sentence Dusty makes the best use of his time. A model inmate who chooses to lead by example and is a role model for those that surround him. He is an exemplary prison inmate who, despite the most difficult of circumstances, makes a real difference in the lives of people he engages with, living and imparting his mid-west values and personal discipline each and every day.
Who Is Dusty?
A mother’s perspective on her son. Read how Linda Summitt describes her son growing up.
Not a day passes when Dusty is not working on something specific to improve either himself or the life of somebody else. Indeed, the lengthy list of accomplishments he has had while incarcerated, is jaw dropping. Click “Find Out More” below and prepare to spend some time reading about the numerous activities and successes he has had while at 10 different facilities in the VADOC system.
Articles By Dusty
Dusty has written a number of articles during his incarceration. Please click on the “Find out More” button to read his views on justice reform, the environment and his advocacy for a kinder, less hateful world when it comes to race relations and life’s purpose.
“Whether or not I waste away the rest of my life in Virginia’s prison system will be up to those who care about me and/or those who care about justice..”
— Dustin Alan Turner
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